Wednesday 28 April 2010


I thought i would add this post after reading 'Confessions of Crafty Mummy' blog, about two weeks ago i told my self i need to loose weight because in July i will be going to visit a friend in Poland and want to look good. So far its going well when i weighed myself Saturday i had lost 7lbs but what is even better is i weighed myself again this morning and have lost another 2lbs so in total that's 9lbs its such amazing feeling. i have never really tried dieting before as i have very bad weakness for chocolate and eat far too much of it but just eating healthy and excising i haven't found this hard and there for have not been craving chocolate every 2 minutes but when i do feel as if i need something sweet i find low fat dessert or low fat biscuit is enough i just hope i can keep this up. my target is to loose 3 stone now i don't think i will do this by July but if i can loose over 2 stone i will be very happy so here it go's and if your dieting at the moment keep going and don't give in just think about that goal you want to achieve you can do it.


Confessions of crafty mummy said...

Glad I inspired you hehe. Good luck!

Andrea Paulie said...

Oooh Well done you!!! I too am on a diet and exercise regime..hoping to loose 2 stone by the end of July!! Here goes :-) xx